Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
Media Changes
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Fonts for titles and credits

Saturday, 23 January 2010
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Psychological Thrillers
Top ten psychological thrillers:
1. The Ring
2. Sixth Sense
3. The Blair Witch Project
4. Paranormal Activity
5. The Haunting in Conneticut
6. Gothika
7. Rosemary’s baby
8. The Shining
9. Whatever happened to Baby Jane
10. The Grudge
Monday, 18 January 2010
Research Into Paedophilia
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Victim Costuming
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Film Age Ratings
PG (Parental Guidance) This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children. A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. Some films, are given a ‘PG’ certificate but have not been made with a young audience in mind. However, the certificate means that any issues in the work are appropriate for the majority of this age group and nothing should upset a child of eight or over.No particular theme is prohibited at ‘PG’, as long as it is treated in a manner appropriate to the category. ‘PG’ works may explore challenging issues such as domestic violence, bereavement or racism. In a ‘PG’ work, illegal or antisocial behaviour, such as bullying, will not be condoned or seen to go unchallenged. There may be mild bad language such as ‘shit’ in a ‘PG’ film, but the context and delivery is always important. If the language is used aggressively or if there is too much bad language, a work may be passed at the next category.There should be no detail of violence in a ‘PG’ work, so while there might be some blood, we would not see how the injury was inflicted. Violence is generally more acceptable in a historical or fantasy setting, because of the distancing that this provides. For Horror, we allow some 'jump' moments and scary scenes, but sequences showing realistic violence, horror or threat must not be prolonged.Potentially dangerous behaviour which children might copy is unlikely to be acceptable at ‘PG’, especially if it comes across as safe or fun. Realistic or easily accessible weapons, such as knives, will not be glamorised or focused upon in a ‘PG’ work.
12 (suitable for 12 and over) The overall tone of a film and the way it makes the audience feel may affect the classification. For example, a work which has a very dark or unsettling tone which could disturb the audience would be less likely to be passed as a 12 even if the individual issues in the film were considered acceptable under the BBFC guidelines. Similarly, if a work is particularly positive or reassuring this may stop it being pushed up a category.There may be strong language at a ‘12’ but it must be infrequent. The context of the strong language is important and aggressive uses of strong language may result in a film or DVD being placed at the ‘15’ category. There is some allowance for puns on strong language at this category. There also may be moderate language at a ‘12’. Discriminatory language may be present. Aggressive use of discriminatory language (for example homophobic or racist terms) is unlikely to be acceptable at ‘12’ unless it is clearly condemned.At a 12 moderate violence is permitted but it should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if they can be justified by their context. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated. It must also have a strong contextual justification. Some horror films are passed at this category. Moderate physical and psychological threat is permitted at a ‘12’ as long as disturbing sequences are not too frequent or sustained.
15 (suitable for 15 and over)
A "15" movie can contain strong violence, frequent strong language, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug taking. Occasionally there may be uses of the strongest terms although continued aggressive use will not normally be passed at ‘15’. At a ’15’ there can be strong threat and menace as long as it is not sadistic or sexualised, although the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.
18 (suitable for 18 and over) At ‘18’ works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as, very strong violence, frequent (very) strong language, scenes of sexual violence, strong horror, strong blood and gore and discriminatory language and behaviour.
Taking all these ratings into account we have decided to make our film a 15. There will be moments of prolonged horror and may contain some strong violence and threat. There will not be enough gore or violence to make the film an 18 though.
Film Production Groups
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Our Victim

We wanted to make our victim as close to a stereotype as we possibly could therefore abiding the codes and conventions of our genre. We plan to have cuts and bruises across our victims face to show that she is the victim and is in some sort of danger. It also makes her physical weakness obvious and she is obviously under the authority of somebody else.
Victim Analysis

Monday, 11 January 2010
Characters and Setting
Problems Encountered
Specfic Genre Questionnaire and Results Drawn
For our media coursework, we are doing a 2 minute opening to a film, in which a young girl is abducted from her farm. She is tortured and kept by her abductor before escaping.
Any title ideas?
Which genre would appeal more to you in this movie?
-psychological horror
-psychological thriller
-Gory horror
how long should the victim be kept and tortured?
-1 month
-1 year
-3 years
-5 years
-10 years
-other (please state)
What is a more interesting reason to kidnap a young girl?
-damaged adult (abductor mentally disturbed?)
-other (please state)
Which would be more effective? The victim wearing:
-a white dress
-a red dress
-should the audience empathise with:
-the victim
-the victim’s parents
-the abductor
-other (please state)
What time of day would you expect the victim to escape?
-other (please state)
What appearance would you expect the abductor to have? Please comment on gender, age, costume and general appearance.
Which of these movies have you seen?
-the number 23
-saw 1-6
What did you like most about these movies? (sound, atmosphere, mise en scene, editing, camera angles, storyline)
should this story be set in present day? or another time period?